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Class Bulletin Board
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Here's your chance to contribute...

Inviting people to express their own ideas is a great way to get them involved. This page will encourage students to discuss questions and issues relating to the class material. (Don't forget, even those who are too shy to speak up in class often have important things to say.)

I may use this area to post an especially excellent or thought-provoking student essay.

Male grade school student at blackboard

You may post your comments in my blog site. I already made my contribution by posting my reference books.

My Books and More

"In the News" Responses

I might use this area to post some of the answers I received to the "In the News" question on the home page. I might use a format similar to this one:

TJ: I think I'd be the butler, because he's the one who got to see everything but didn't get caught up in it all. Something bad happened to everyone else but him, so I guess he's the one who came out all right.

Class Comments

I might use this area to post comments people have sent me on how they feel class is going and topics they'd like to see covered in more (or less!) detail.

To encourage frank discussion, I may make the comments in this area anonymous.

My e-mail address: rica.web@lycos.com

Send your comments or suggestions.